The only difference is that I was trying to adapt it to my specific building so the starting breps are different and the rest should be fine. However I don’t get the same result as the one which appears in the video.
I would really appreciate it if you could check my file and let me know where I’m doing wrong, I am attaching both rhino and grasshoper file.
But I think the dimensions of my building are even smaller than the structure in the tutorial, so I think there should be a way to apply this pattern to the facade of my simple structure…
It’s not the number of dimensions, it is the fact that the original structure is a single connected surface, while your one is multiple pieces.
Your understanding of grasshopper trees is holding you back on doing what you want it to do.
@bilgekobak Do whatever you want to! Don’t let random people on the internet tell you what and what not to do. It’s true that the Vornoi pattern is used ad absurdum in architecture and design but that doesn’t mean that you can’t come up with some new way to make it look novel and a little different than all the other people.
I don’t think the problem is about what is going to be made, but rather that you are not at the point of translating an idea to Grasshopper. The only advice someone could give here is to proceed with more basic definitions first.
Regarding the Voronoi pattern: From a person not working as architect, I still believe you guys have great responsibility on how cities look alike. Lazy design is bad design, and you can destroy a city with one single bad building. Not only destroyed massive Allied bombardments our cities here in Germany, but also architects in the area of reconstruction and in the 70’s-80’s, where suddenly prefabricated concrete became the new state of art!
Don’t let random people on the internet tell you what and what not to do.
As you tell him what to do lol
Actually, I didn’t tell him to do anything, rather I suggested let’s make a dif pattern. No need to be the forum hero, it was a comment made lightly and in fun (as the voronoi joke is directly in the software as a pop up) . So what was your useful solution to his problem?
P.S. you should prolly reply to him not me since the comment is directed to him.
You greatly overestimate the influence that architects really have. In terms of the city, it’s basically the people that you voted into power that take the decisions how, where, and when to alter the Stadtbild, not the architect. It’s the client that chooses the design and in public competitions there are oftentimes 100th of projects to chose from!
Erm… I really don’t think so! In sci-fi films probably yes, but in reality not so much.
I guess that was a direct consequence of the Germans voting Hitler into power in 1933/34 and the humongous shit show that mainly you and some other countries propagated throughout Europe and the rest of the world in the coming years. After your ancestors at least passively participated in gassing tens of millions of Jews, homosexuals, and ethnically different people, you have the audacity to write this shit here?
The city has ways in restricting certain designs, but it’s also the architect who gets payed for proposals. And people who decide usually have also someone consulting with background in architecture, at least they should have.
Man calm down. The world is not black and white and there is really no judgement in that. I’m just saying that Allied bombardments destroyed german cities, just as germans killed million of jews. This is a matter of fact. The rest is your interpretation. […]
I didn’t gate keep, grasshopper did it for me. See screenshot above. Incase you missed it, I will provide it again here . My solution (useful or not) was to post said screenshot and express it’s over use as an aesthetic in a jokingly manner. (especially when we find out the user is looking for a cocoon, which I’m sure isn’t voronoi related). Your solution was to tell him to not listen to “random people” (who are quite experienced in this field I would say). . At least @christopher.ho tried to explain the solution.
My standpoint is voronoi is not interesting as a building facades aesthetic which this post is about, yours seems to be that it is, if so, show @bilgekobak the way.
Here’s how to do something very similar to what your referenced video tutorial shows, @@bilgekobak. It’s based on two-dimensional Vornoi patterns mapped to each individual facade base surface of the building. Each cell is scaled relative to its distance to a curve attractor, extruded, solidified, and subracted from a thicken base facade.
Now, this is a pretty basic definition and many things could be improved upon!
Populating each surface with an individual amount of random points, instead of a fixed amount (i.e. 100), would probably make more sense.
Furthermore, using meshes instead of breps, could improve the overall computation speed a lot. The boolean operations at the end of the definition take quite some time (ca. 6 minutes), I’ve thus deactivated the relevant component, to prevent Rhino and Grasshopper from crashing on startup.
I hope this helps and that you are not discouraged by the above discussion! The focus should have been more on helping you.
If you like Vornoi, I’d simply go for it!
If you want to know how to do something similar with meshes, let me know!
Thank you so much! I actually was able to turn my pattern into sth really close to this, however even though it was working in a simple rectangular brep, it was not working on my building’s shape. The algorithm you shared is quite informative which made it possible to make it work on my building, I appreciate it!
The only problem is that the last part of the algorithm gives warnings.