Hi all / @dan
I’ve been developing a plugin that supports Rhino 5 and 6. The code differs slightly so we use a shared project and #ifdefs to build an improved version for 6.
For the convenience of users, on Windows we bundle both of these into a .rhi based on the docs. I’d hoped that I could do a similar thing with Rhino for Mac, but attempting to put multiple .rhp inside the .macrhi seems to break installation (I get a message about an invalid installer file).
The structure I tested was:
MyFile.macrhi (zip)
|----MyFolderV5.rhp (folder)
| |--MyPluginV5.rhp
| |--MyDependeny.dll
|----MyFolderV6.rhp (folder)
| |--MyPluginV6.rhp
| |--MyDependency.dll
Removing the V5 folder works as expected (installing into V6)
Are multi-installer macrhi
a thing? If so are there any docs on how to format them?
The alternative is just that we need to provide users with different installers for different versions.