Plugin on Mac

Hi Mingbo-

I apologize for the delayed reply! Hopefully this is not “too little too late.”

Yes, Rhino for Mac attempts to load third-party plugins from:
~/Library/Application Support/McNeel/Rhinoceros/MacPlugIns/

This is a Rhino version-agnostic folder. In other words, the Rhino for Mac macrhi installer (as imperfect as it is), unpacks all plugins into that folder. Each major version of Rhino for Mac attempts to load them if they are compatible. If it can load them, it adds the path to a sort of “quasi registry” which is contained within the preferences file with caveats (see *below).

Are you using the RhinoCommon Visual Studio extension? The reason I ask is because:

I found there are two items in plugin manager, and I checked each details, they are the same GUID, and file path

Yes, this is likely happening because each of those plugins are using the same GUID. This leads me to believe the templates in the RhinoCommon Visual Studio for Mac extension were not used (as is sometimes the case). In this case, you’d need to change the GUID. Now, since these are already registered with Rhino for Mac, you’ll need to disable one of those two, or reset preferences to delete the “registry” of the path.

That might be a bug, but we’d have to reproduce what you are seeing there to figure that out. Before you reset preferences, you might want to export them and send them our way if you’d like us to investigate that.

Stepping back a little, there are a number of flaws with macrhi installers and plugin loading that we’ve had trouble addressing while maintaining backward compatibility with existing plugins and installers. For this reason I think it is also important to say we are working on a Package Manager in Rhino 7 that we hope will work around some of these limitations. Just thought I’d mention it.

Clear as…mud?

*The caveats/flaw: Rhino 5 for Mac and Rhino 6 for Mac shared a preferences file (so if a plugin was compatible with 5, but not 6, this was an annoyance because the user was warned every time the plugin attempted to load that it was not compatible.) With Rhino 7 onward, we have since separated out the preferences by major version, so we hope that helps with this problem.