Hi, I am unable to proceed at all, 24hrs .
posted in a thread but no replies so hope it gets seen here.
Also other users might find this useful and spot it.
I have a mesh, I draw some lines on it, and some solids, I need to move it and get those lines to marry up with another mesh with similar lines, I cannot see a thing as all goes yellow and loses me sight of the reference lines.
I am about to enter the world of drawing decent geometry over meshes, rescaling mesh, doing this above quite often.
How can I move the curves, solids and the mesh and only have the rhino made items go yellow whilst doing so ?
Perhaps there is a mesh selection properties setting where selection indication colour can be made almost zero, just enough to know its been selected.
Changing colour to e.g. cyan for mesh selected wouldnt be of use as the myriad of mesh lines and solid cyan glow would hide any yellow lines !
I also find that just selecting a mesh and dragging it sees my ortho direction using shift want to misbehave, whilst on a rhino item it works perfectly, I need to do a short distance knowing it was true ortho then hit tab, why does mesh make this so tricky ?
if there is no mesh selection subdue colour setting, how best can I do mesh moving ?
Cheers Steve