Hi everyone, has anyone done a script for this kind of facade? I’m trying but can’t find a solution
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I think you didn’t try enough. I don’t say it is super simple but I just see 4 or 5 hexagonal elements that have the same border.
Try to make the hexagonal pattern,
Hexagonal pattern that has coordinate like that
- 0,0
- 1/3*l, -h1
- l,0,0
- l,0, h2
- 2/3*l,h2+h1
- 0, h2
then you could populate it randomly of with some rules.
It could also be goo you read that "help US help YOU:
Yeah, I count 4 different hexagonal shapes.
- Large opening
- Small opening
- Faceted protruding
- Flat
These can each be modeled as blocks to allow for easier revising.
Thank you Laurent will try that
Hi Laurent, I’m trying to make those variables for the hexagon paneling, but can’t find a way, do you mind sharing that script that you made for the grid, thank you.
No problem to share.
M-bridge Korea LD.gh (5.4 KB)
Thank you.