In a freelancing web an employer offered this shape to be designed. Before I can analyze it for designing with Rhino, he delivered the project to a freelancer (it actually is always so and my hook doesn’t catch even a small fish for dinner LOL)
Nevertheless, aside from earning, I want to know how do I can make this chair with grasshopper.
I referred to Food4rhino and downloaded the plugin.
I don’t see a component named Waffle in Bowerbird. I already found a .gh file on the internet that used something called ‘BB waffle’ (the white component). Now, I tried to find a similar one in Bowerbird, but there is no component with this name to replace it with BB Waffle.
Hello, after download you have to install it. I am quite sure you didn’t or the file is blocked. Unblock the file. You must have this panel. Weaverbird and Bowerbird are not the same “bird”