Waffel forms precisely drawn curves

I’m trying to change a little bit scipt made by Victor Leung A solid waffle for laser cutting. - Grasshopper to make waffle structure but with my own curves - not generated by series. I know that there is Bowbird, but it makes only grid and radial structure.
For example i want to make this kind of structure with this curves (red group in definition):

Or simpler example (green group in definition):

The problem that i have to understand how to make this part of definition with my curves?:

Is it possible?
Victor Leung def own curves.gh (201.3 KB)

I’m not entirely sure what you’re asking for here, but I will point out that Bowerbird is capable of making a waffle structure using arbitrary planes, it’s not just radial, grid, and linear based layouts.

Maybe I didn’t express myself clearly. I want to draw lines myself to have more control over the resulting solid. Do you mean this component in Bowbird? I forgot about it…