Is there any standard method for modeling tire in Rhino?

Hi guys,
I’m working on a Tire model. Previously, Pascal and some other friends helped me a lot but I want to have a step-by-step guide so I can use it to carry out my project. Is there any video or other type of stuff I can use to get mastered in advanced tire modeling?

Hi Alex - there are a couple of ways that I’d try in preference to what we did the other day

  1. Model the tread flat, in ortho space and make one unit of the pattern, say the pattern repeats 20 times around the tire.
  2. Revolve the tire profile 1/20th of 360 degrees - 18 degrees
  3. FlowAlongSrf the flat pattern to the revolve.

Make the pattern as a 2d bitmap or grayscale image, black and white, maybe with a slight blur between and use ApplyDisplacementMapping on the revolved tire.

I’ll see if I can cook up an example of these.

@Alex_Wright - see the attached for one way to build this. A couple of things -

  1. I set the tread pattern a little ways into the base surface so that it will end up penetrating the tire surface slightly, making trimming and/or Boolean operations easier
  2. I messed up my pattern so it does not match up right when arrayed - you’ll do it better, but once the flowed tread blocks are arrayed, Join the results and to make up for my goof, also Cap the results - you should get two complex closed polysurfaces, suitable for Booelan. Yours may be separate tread blocks, which is what I should have made, rather than a continuous pattern, and this will not be a problem. (7.2 MB)


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Hi Pascal,
After we flew the pattern over the revolved main tire section, would we need to use Blooean Union tool to make a solid unit and then fillet those sections?(sections which connect the tread and main body)
Boolean tool usually fails to affect seam area means all tread patterns which intersects the seam of the revolved body, usually fail.

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Hi, Thank you for the file. Can you explain where this process starts? What is “18 deg.”???
What is “base surface”???
What is “dense rebuild of the base surface”???

Hi Alex - that file is based on the idea of making one repeat of a pattern in ortho space and flowing it (FlowAlongSrf) to a target surface representing one segment of the tire, in this case 1/20th or 18 degrees.
Rebuilding the actual target surface (the 18 degree revolve) to a dense and ‘accurate enough’ temporary target surface for FlowAlongSrf helps ensure that the deformation will be more uniform and predictable and not subject to stretching and compression of the UV space of the target surface. Rebuilding makes for a uniformly distributed UV, that’s better in this case as long as the 3d shape of the surface is still very close to the original. Did I say rebuild the base surface in the file? That is wrong - the target surface is rebuilt.


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Ok, I tried to learn Flow Along Surface command but it fails. I made a simple ring and used UnrollsrfUV command to unroll it. Then I added a “L” shaped object over the unrolled one. Then I used Flow along surface command but nothing has happened.
4.3dm (141.6 KB)

Hi Alex- here’s what I get.

4_PG.3dm (122.1 KB)


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Oh, yes, I got it. Thanks