I’m doing drafting for many years mainly with Rhino.
I still today struggle with annotation styles and especially with scaling.
Sometimes you want text as text, not annotation. Let’s say a signage. So the layout scaling must be disabled otherwise any details thus need to have a scale of 1:1. And I don’t want to convert my text to curve or hatches cause I want to keep the ability to change font variables.
Once the layout scaling disabled, how can I put normal annotations, (ex.: dimensions of my signage) using the layout scaling ?
In other words, how can I have annotations that react to scaling and others that don’t ?
Is there an option to combine both worlds ?
If not, would it be possible to integrate model and layout scaling options within annotations or annotation styles ? (overriding global settings of making it obsolete)
Hi @lahos
I do a bit of this also for signage but it’s for cutting patterns.
For my signage I use the TextObject command. I know you can’t update it like a text command so that’s one problem with it. For me I’ll either need the curves or the surfaces/solid options.
Once you have chosen a font you can still scroll through your list before placement and even after placement you can easily undo and try again with a different font.
I too dislike Rhinos many scaling options that seem overly complicated. I think you can set a style for your non scaled font text might be better than turning scaling off entirely.
Thank you for the text object suggestion.
Although, as you said, it’s still a workaround as far as flexibility is concerned.
About your “non scaled font text” comment, there is no such thing as a non scaling style.
This is exactly the point of my request, to be able to disable scaling per style or per object.