Model in-Place Family with Void


I need to cut some holes in Revit Walls - not through the walls but shallow holes, more like Wall Reveals.
Holes are unique and they need to be precise and placed on arc walls. Because of that, it is very uncomfortable to make it by regular Families. I can’t use Direct Shape either because I can’t cut with it.

The ideal would be a Model In-Place type Family with Void. I would precisely model something in Rhino on Revit geometry and cut it out in Revit. Visual ARQ has handy “Subtract Solids” I am looking for something similar.

Would something like that be possible to add to RiR components?

Hi Jakub, there is “Place Component” in RiR tab , i’ve used it to place similar to yours family types on walls. The component needs Location, Host, and family type. You have to prepare the family type that is hosted by wall in Revit and then use it as type input to the component. It worked well for me.

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Yes, of course. Thanks for the help.
I totally forgot that I can just use World Origin as a location.

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