Hi, while using Rhino 8 inside Revit, suddenly the search tab for components appeared like this. Has anyone else had the same problem?
Hi David, I haven’t seen that before, lets troubleshoot by looking at plugin/addin conflicts.
You can start a new instance of Revit by holding Shift+Cntl and the Rhino Start Button on the Revit Ribbon (Green Dot)
To disable Grasshopper plugins you can remove them temporarily from their folder or open Grasshopper via the Rhino command line with the GrasshopperLoadOneByOne command, saying no to suspect 3rd party plugins.
by any chance @David_Mendes did you just install the latest updated to speckle. I’m having the exact same issue and it’s caused by speckle. Works fine as Rhino standalone but it flips out like this when I try to run Rhino.Inside Revit. I tried a basic uninstall/ reinstall and it didn’t help. might do a full uninstall of Speckle and try solve the issue through cancellation of what i can and can’t be.
Running revit without plugins allowed Rhino.Inside to work correctly. I’ll remove speckle tomorrow and all should be ok I assume. Lets see.
I did exactly that. I will try to run without speackle. Thankyou very much.
I uninstalled Speckle from revit and the error was gone.
@Japhy not sure if someone in your team wants to reach out to the team and Speckle and see whats causing this and how to resolve it.
I uninstalled speackle and everything runs well. The last update was the problem. Thank you very much for your help.
David Mendes
I installed the latest speckle and do not show any issues with Rhino.Inside.Revit or Speckle, there may be another Revit addin/plugin throwing a wrench in things.
I’ll try it again tomorrow and see if I can repeat the error.