Missing Text Dots


I sent a file over to a partner that uses text dots to number the curves that I have created in Rhino, but when they open the file the text dots are not appearing. A few relevant details:

  • I am on Rhino 6 and they are on Rhino 7
  • Its not a simple layer issue as the dots are on the same layer as the curves that they can see
  • I am on Rhino for Mac and I believe they are on Rhino for Windows

Unfortunately, I don’t have many details about the problem from their end so I can’t say if its a hardware issue or not. I just want to make sure that there isn’t an issue with the way text dots are handled by Rhino that could cause this issue. For instance: Is there a setting you have to turn on to display text dots? Did the devs change the way that text dots operate between Rhino 6 and 7? Do I need to somehow “embed” or “package” the text into the Rhino file (similar to the way one needs to package material textures in Rhino or images in Adobe Illustrator/InDesign files)


Hi @wojima3 ,

If everything is unlocked and turned on and you select all the objects of whichever layer the text dots are supposed to be on so you see a valid selection show up of those elements even if you don’t see anything?

Alternatively use a selection filter and filter for annotation/text dots only to see if a valid selection is found.

One possible thing that comes to mind is that they may be there but are possibly VERY small due to different settings in Model Space annotation scale within your different Rhino models.

So I would check and make sure you and the user have the same Model Space annotation scale settings in the Document Properties

Do you have a sample file you could share here? We could try to repeat this issue and see if there is something that could be done.