Is there a way to findout on what layer the image is used?
I removed a image in a folder because I did not use it anymore.
Now, each time I open the file I get the message missing imagefile
I want to remove it from my file but I can not find it (probably hidden?)
Because the file is very complex with a severe number of layers I was wondering is there a kind of command so Rhino will find it for me.
I suddenly saw why I could not found the image.
It stood in panel Materials.
Do not know how it got there though.
I think all pictures are stored in panel Materials.
Hi Frits - and if you open the image, is it one you know about, apart from the odd name? It’s legitimately an image that you have some place? I’m just wondering if Rhino cooked up an image from a procedural texture or something.
Sorry, I do not have the same settings as in january. In that periode I used V6 (beta).
Because of downwards compatibility isues I had to save the file in V5 en after expire V6 I removed a lot of files so I can not repeat the problem but as far as I recall, the picture was a real image I used and removed with explorer when no longer needed.