Mini active command bar

hi, im mac user.

  • i have work with Rhino 8 for a long time but today, when use some command, i suddently active this small command bar (the command auto appear and hide at the bottom left).
  • i think it’s very useful because of it attribute auto hide, auto appear but i do not know what is it and how to active it.
    So does anyone can tell me what type of that command is and how to active it?

hi @Vu_Vu you cannot turn this off, this is the command history feedback. But you can replace it with a panel. The panel by default is 1 line high if you reset your Window Layout to default. You can also show the command history by showing the panel manually:

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Thank you so much for help me find the answer !!

  • The small command bar will auto appear only when closing the “command history” panel, even if you command “_commandhistory”, it still alive there
  • I think this small command bar is very useful because it display exact that command i’m working with, like _length or another command.