Hi, I just thought that using Grasshopper for creating mind maps would be fantastic side feature if there was a way to simple connect text panels without transferring information from one to the other. I don’t know how to achieve that properly, but maybe someone has an idea? Cheers
I don’t want to speak for other people, but I think that to most people here (and especially the creators) what you just said sounds like:
" Ferraris are such beautifull cars, If only I could use one as a shrubbery for my garden!!!"
P.S. joking aside, I don’t think it can even be done…
I’d recommend Draw.io for drawing flow charts, organisation diagram, mind maps etc: https://about.draw.io/features/examples/
Aris, please don‘t see my comment as an offence - on the contrary, I absolutely adore GH and today I was testing some apps for creating simple mind maps and nothing was as fluid as working in GH. Anders, thanks for the hint, I will try this one as well… looks powerful.
On the contrary, please don’t you take offence at my comment. I like to tease people, but always in good humor.
(and btw… your discussion was an opportunity for me to learn about the program that @AndersDeleuran posted.)
so, thank you!!!
In which case, you might also consider automating your mappings: I’ve been writing/generating graphs in the DOT language and using the GraphViz compiler to lay them out (one could also use Kangaroo to layout a force-based graph), both through Grasshopper (one example here) and using the text editor Sublime Text (for things like this). Might be bit overkill though, but it is terribly fun
…a bit off the subject… but D3 can help you make simple but interactive mind maps and graphs like the ones Mostapha, Chris and their team designed: