Fractal design with GH

Hi there!
I just release a free component for grasshopper for fractal design. If you want to check it out here is the link to our web page where the component is stored. If you have feedback or projects/art (or bugs :bug:) or anything just drop me a line and let me know what you think!

Download Link

Have fun!


Sounds good :slight_smile:

But it would help if you would offer a bit more information about the components and/or some examples how they are intended to be used (especially the Julia 3D ones, the others are more self-explanatory)

Cheers and thanks!


Since you asked for feedback:

The components are using only one thread on my 12 thread machine - not the best for these day and age, especially with fractals.

And the Julia 3D with a sample count of 1000 makes Rhino/GH use 14 GB of RAM…
Slightly excessive?

But otherwise these could come in handy. :slight_smile:

Could the points be ordered along the border of the 2D Julia set? So it’s easier to have a spline follow the outline?



Cool Tom,
thanks a lot for the feedback. Yea, I built the component in 2 days and still did not optimized it, Julia sets have huge room for improvement. I will take not of that and work on it :wink:


Cool, thanks! :slight_smile:

Hey there, I did some improvements and uploaded on the website. Still I want to refactor the julia sets and tryout something better for the future. As soon as I have something better will notify here.

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Hi Guys! I just uploaded a new version to the website. If you have comments and suggestions, please let me know.

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