NGon looks really good! Is there a way to unblock all the files in one go or do I need to unblock each file one by one?
This Unblock all the files in the GH Libraries directory - Grasshopper
Or simply install plugins via Yak, just one click.
Ahhh! another nice R7 surprise for me! Never will I be too lazy to install a plugin again!
You can also unblock zip before extracting
I confused abiut edge ID-s.
here I can see 173 edges, but I thought I means the ID numbers. but there are several numbers with higher than 173. Can You clarify this please?
For this you need to understand ngon structure.
I triangulate always ngons even if you see the display of quads. It means that there are more mesh edges than ngon edges. The numbers in the list are mesh edge ids. So you can use standard grasshopper components to select ngon edges. There is the same number of lines and ids because inner ngon triangulation edges are skipped since you do not need them.
You can see the initial triangulation by using clear component from NGon. In short NGon is just a group of triangle mesh faces.
Thanks for the explination. I need the edge ID-s where the ID-s are in one branch for one polygon. You saying I have to use standard Grasshipper widgets? This means edge ID of Ngon and the standard stuff are corresponding each other…right?
Actually Ngon is really great, I wish I had known it ealier! Congratulation! I worked for months earlier to calculate things which Ngon does immediatly…I wish there would be more tutorails how to build structures with joints with Ngon. ( I am an architect )
Great to hear that it helps;)
For joints, there will be a new release soon for more joinery automation in beams and plates.
And for tutorials, yes I am planning to do them as well and post it here:
Thanks for the explination. I need the edge ID-s where the ID-s are in one branch for one polygon. You saying I have to use standard Grasshipper widgets? This means edge ID of Ngon and the standard stuff are corresponding each other…right?
You can use directly this.
Component gives 3 outputs:
E - NGon face edges as lines
I - NGon face edges as indices in the global mesh edge list
F - Adjacent NGons to current NGon, that correspond to mesh edge order.
To visualize what I mean by these outputs, E and I are blue lines.
F is black lines in relation to current NGon face:
this is just A W E S O M E
thank you so much!
I am trying to get the intersection lines of the planes of the half angle planes of the neighboring planes on edges. I have noticed that intersection lines as vectors are in different directions. Is there a way to make all point out (just like the normal vector of the plane) ? My solution seems to be a bit complicated to get the planes. Is there an easier solution with other Ngon features to get them?
plane (27.1 KB)
Thank you for the consise solution, however it does explain my other question regarding the plane intersection lines as vector directions. Can you help me with that also? (see sketch)
PlanePlane intersection from rhino does not orient intersection lines regardless of plane orientation. So you need to orient these lines by guide lines.
But maybe we can do smth more simple if you could explain what you want to get as a final solution? NGonCore.dll has already many plane plane intersection methods. If you tell me what you need exactly I can try to see if there is already the method.
Actually if the two neighboring planes angle is larger than180 degree (36.6 KB) gives a wrong value.
Is this to do with whether the surface is concave or convex?
You might be getting (180-angle)
yes but than you have to decide it at which edge you use (180-angle) which I am not sure about.
Here’s one simple way to get signed fold angles per edge (15.5 KB)