How do I change the mesh display settings? I want to get rid of the thick lines on the mesh.
The setting under “Simple Bright 2 > Objects > Lines > edge line width” changes the thickness, but can I just remove those lines on the mesh?
If I select another style, there’s another option for “mesh” under Objects, but for some reason I am only getting Points, Curves, and Lines in this style.
I tried adding edge softening on the object display properties. This helps, but it seems like i cannot get rid of all of the lines
Hi - there are two completely different drawing “pipelines” in Rhino: the regular OpenGL one and a “Technical” one. Those two alternatives do not share the same options. To be able to turn off mesh wires, you will need to take a copy of one of the regular modes, such as Shaded.
When you use pictures in your post, please just insert them in the post itself rather than linking to some other site…
Thank you. Do you think I can achieve the same look with the OpenGL?
I just saw the upload button, I was looking for a ‘picture’ button before. I’ll use this next time
Hi - Perhaps if you could smooth that mesh, you wouldn’t get these lines but if you unlock that terrain mesh and run the Rhino SelBadObjects command, you will notice that this mesh is bad. From playing around with it a little, it looks bad beyond repair.
You can still use it to provide some shading, though. If you modify the Rendered display mode, for example, to not to show the mesh wires and to show thick edges of NURBS objects, you could get something like this: