Hi, I want to make the outline of an object thinner. In the display mode options, which one is controlling the line weight in the view?
Thank you in advance.
Hi, I want to make the outline of an object thinner. In the display mode options, which one is controlling the line weight in the view?
Thank you in advance.
Hello- you can set the object or its layer to have a custom line type with the width you like - is that what you mean?
Hey Pascal, sorry, no that is not what I mean. I tried to adjust the line thickness in the display mode settings. But it seems nothing affected the line thickness I showed in the image.
Hi Hali - is the object a mesh then? Can you post a simple example showing what you want to do - just a box or something and the display mode (Export from the display mode page)
Hey Pascal,
I want to adjust the overall looking of the line thickness in a display mode. Doesn’t matter which display mode. I tried adjusted the mesh edge thickness, but it doesn’t really impact what I see from the viewport. It is a NURBS cube in the image below.
Hi Hali- for mesh objects that should indeed do it, but if your object is not a mesh it is considered a ‘surface’ or a SubD, in this case it looks like a polysurface or extrusion, which are both controlled by the Surface settings in the dsiplay mode.
got it. Thank you Pascal. One more question, one more question, how does Rhino distinguish NURBS and Mesh?
Can I understand it this way, anything created with NURBS method will be considered as “surface”.
Got it, thank you Pascal.