MergeFace works only after paste to new file

Q1. Why is it some commands refuse to work until an object is copied out to a new file.
attached having used PlanarSrf tool to fill the hole on top and bottom, Mergeface would not make it ‘as one’ with its surrounding surface.
I copy paste it to a new file to post here, then try it and now it merges !

I wondered if MergeFace needed an item to be a watertight object, so added sides, still no joy.

Does it work (is it supposed to work) on non closed surfaces, i.e surfaces yet to be made into objects, solids.

How can I tidy up the other lines, having removed a hole on the curved front , I am left with lines that are not necessary as those surfaces could be as one.

I see I asked of this and there is a python script to run.

mergeface worked after copy paste to new file.3dm (730.2 KB)


It could be that your original file and the one you are pasting into have different tolerances.

Also, as several people have mentioned to you, your tolerances are too low for parts this small.

Regarding Mergeface on that part - it seems to work fine here in V7. In V8, this is not working at all. It won’t let me select the faces to merge.

MergeAllCoplanarFaces does work, as a work-around until that is fixed.

So which file have you posted: the original one where it doesn’t work, or the copy where it does?


the one where it does., as the other would involve the entire project, which is not for posting !

Well that isn’t going to tell us anything, so anyone trying to replicate your problem is just wasting their time…

I cannot post the entire project, its huge and also I would have to kill you after you have seen it, or so the saying goes :slight_smile: :laughing:
200 or so rasters, subject matter not for public consumption, in this namby pamby world we are in.
so there we go, .

HOWEVER I had copy pasted out the source of the item from the original project, as I had a clearer view of it to work on, and then paste out to a new file that component, and its still refusing to work.

so attached now is a non working one.

MergeFace fail example2.3dm (407.0 KB)

Also, as several people have mentioned to you, your tolerances are too low for parts this small.

0.001 units as it stands

so if I add a zero, and make absolute tolerance 0.0001 is it going to be less fussy and allow things to join and so on more easily, as I certainly do not want to increase the rejection rate of anything .

I would think tolerance is like gap filling glue, the less it is the less fussy the prog and as if I am using gap filling glue. so 0.01 is super glue gel like and 0.0001 is like tap water and things need to be a perfect fit to avoid naked edges and allow commands to work.

Regarding Mergeface on that part - it seems to work fine here in V7. In V8, this is not working at all. It won’t let me select the faces to merge.

Thats worrying, as I about to buy V8. In fact VERY WORRYING, I thought the latest was free of earlier issues.


R5 MergeFace works on your example provided you select the outer surface first. If you select the inner, circular surface first then it doesn’t.

Nothing to worry about!

There is no MergeFace command in R8 - it is now called MergeCoplanarFace and that works fine regardless which surface you pick first (so it is an improvement on v5). I rather suspect that @phcreates was actually running MergeFaces (plural) which only applies to meshes and subd’s. That would explain why he couldn’t select a surface.


so why is Rhino fussy on what order the items are selected.
I had selected the disc first.

Thing is the human brain says I wish to attached this (a small item) to this (a large item) .

e.g I wish to screw this, a bolt, into this, a hole in a large item.

Screw a bulb into a socket, we dont rotate the house around the bulb !

and we pick things in that order.

is this a bug, ?

Likewise _SrfPt has to be used anticlockwise, yet my brain, not sure about all others, works clockwise, I am right handed. so to design something that works in the non intuitive CCW direction seems odd, as Rhino was always said to be intuitive, and I took to it like duck to water, or rhino to mud :laughing:


Oh, yes you are correct. I’ve got to update that button…

This makes no sense at all. You can select either surface first and it works fine in the file you provided in V7 or V8. Can you post a file where it does not work?

If you start out building with tighter tolerances, then your trims will be tighter. You’re sort of right - looser tolerances mean you can join up bigger gaps, but it also means that you are creating bigger gaps. If you start to make small details, they may get messed up by tolerances that are too loose. But, at this point in this project, you probably don’t want to switch part-way through.

Regarding Srfpt - it absolutely doesn’t need to be used ‘anticlockwise’.


I have posted a file where it failed. mergeface failExample2
see earlier postings.
SrfPt works clockwise but then surface dir is then wrong. in V5 anyway.

But, at this point in this project, you probably don’t want to switch part-way through.

So would altering it to 0.0001 be bad now, as its mega complex, and I did so a few hrs ago hoping ti avoid naked edges that started appearing.
and for items made with 0.0001 would they cause me problems if I revrted to 0.001 ?

I cannot afford to have anything to go wrong this late on.



Well, my opinion is that you should switch back to your other tolerances, but I’m not an expert. I don’t think switching back will have bad consequences. Or you can leave the tolerances tighter - you will only run into trouble if you have made your tolerances tighter and then try to explode & join parts that might fail the new tolerance settings, as far as I know.

Regarding using SrtPt - I don’t know what you mean by a surface dir that is wrong. Once surfaces are joined, they should all have normals pointing out by design, but Rhino does that for you.