Bug: MergeAllFaces not combining all faces on the first try

In the attached file, MergeAllFaces only merges 2 of the surfaces when I run it the first time, then it combines the 3rd with the other two if I run it again. Seems like it should work in one shot. If I duplicate the border of the polysurface, I can make a planar surface from those curves using Planarsrf command.combine faces no worky.3dm (433.6 KB)

Hi Peter,

this looks like a tolerance related issue. If you explode and join once, MergeAllFaces works in one shot.

btw. why use absolute tolerance 0.0003 inches ?


I use 0.0003 because, after many years of experimentation, that’s what seems to work best. It is not infrequent that I have an edge that’s .003" long, so I guess 10x that seems to work for me. Is that unusual?

maybe only for me since i work in metric system and there 0.0003" equals 0.00762mm :slight_smile:
