Mergeface fail but why?

I used _EdgeSrf tool (surface from 2 3 or 4 edge curves ). to fill the triangles at A B C D.
then join all surfaces, and unable to Mergeface those .

why ?
Mergeface fail.3dm (987.4 KB)


delete all 4 triangular faces.
delete the bigger planar faces.


and you re done

before cap

after cap

Hello- if you are asking about MergePlanarFaces, this works on planar faces. The little surface is not planar.


so with cap they are planar, and with 2 3 or 4 edge tool they are not planar.

Hows that ?


my guess - there is some very tiny imprecision - and Merge(allCoPlanar)Face(s) does no t like it:

the boundingbox of this surface is not a rectangle and the dimension is
dimensions = 0.00006, 0.79360, 0.51130 inches

might be that Cap is only linked to document tolerance - but just guessing…

also it looks like pascal has found some im precisions…