V5 says select a face to merge
I select the two faces and they merge
V8 says select mesh and SubD faces edges and vertices
and I can’t even select a face now, earlier I could but they didnt merge. The lines remained there.
So I draw a new planar surface using the 4 points tool, and still cannot select that and the blue area.
in document properties:
increase the display precision.
_boundingBox will show your design is not 100% planar
dimensions = 45.000000, 37.646447, 0.000334
_projectToCplane to get rid of this precision-noise
_MergeAllCoplanarFaces … will work
my guess: different handling of tolerances in Rhino 5 and Rhino 8
ok increased display precision to 0.0001 same as units tolerance was/is 0.0001
then project to Cplane delete input yes.
then run mergefaces and still unable to even select the faces. they dont show a yellow edge, but do if I select them before MergeFaces command.
still why ?
(when it works in v5 )
try for MergeCoplanarFace, they twitch and nothing happens.
Hi Tom,
that does it.
So now there is thus a problem with Rhino8 as mergefaces should do it, (as it does in V5)
as should mergeCoPlanarface.
one might not want to merge all of them.
If I type mergeCoplanarface the command appears when I get to coplan and I check its the right one and I hit enter.
I select the two faces they twitch and dont merge.
if I type _mergeCoPlanarFace again it prompts to select the faces, they twitch and nothing happens.