Hi when I do such a thing as boolean union, or sometimes just _Join different surfaces, I use to always clean my new build polysurface with the tool _MergeAllCoplanarFaces
But the point is that it never merge faces who are not flat…
any tool or plugin that you know who can do such a things ?
here is an example of the limted capacity of the _MergeAllCoplanarFaces tool :
Okay, Here is a thought for merging Surfaces that are at least planar in one direction… You will be able to break it and it still has some bugs to work out. But here is the rough idea. Its a Ghplayer file.
Select the fillet surfaces that you would like to merge in order. enter enter and it should create a surface that is merged. It will only do one set of surfaces though. I will post some pics later. Merge Curved Srf.gh (9.8 KB)
If you make an improvement PLEASE post it in this thread!
Let me know what you find out. And please break it as soon as possible! I already know 2 hiccups that I have to find out. It won’t do a full loop of surfaces, and on either end of the normal loop with the way gh player puts the sub surfaces in it is not trimmed. It is very low quality and is just for the idea.