Merge multiple surface into one continuous surface for 3d printing


Does anyone happen to know how to merge multiple surfaces into continuous one that for 3d printing? Beacuse I am afraid when I offset the surface with thickness and it forms kink that could cause some problems for 3d printing. Please have a look at the rhino file. Thanks!

Surface for 3d print.3dm (1.4 MB)

Hello - is this what you mean?


Hi Pascale, yes that’s what I mean, but I haven’t figured out the scale I want to print. I am just wondering if i scale it down to probably 1:20 and i make it about 2mm thickness solid, with the seam in between different parts, am i be able to 3d print it into a continuous surface? Would it have kinks in between different parts?

Hello - basically, you need to Join all the surfaces and OffsetSrf with Solid=Yes on the result.


A post was split to a new topic: Add thickness