Matrix 9 Menu Bar Unresponsive

Had the same issue with Window 10 and Matrix 9.0. Disconnecting Internet and restating Matrix allowed me to open files. Thank You

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I wish Iā€™d seen this a month ago when I had the same problem. Iā€™ve since uninstalled and tried to reinstall Matrix. Now it says I need the latest version of Rhino 5 and shunts me to the download site. Iā€™ve done that. Still thinks I need an up-to-date version and wonā€™t open. So frustrating. Especially if all I needed to do was disconnect from the internet because theyā€™re monkeying with the connection.

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I successfully reinstalled everything. Starting Matrix9 without the internet connection seems to be the trick to having all the Matrix menus operational. Turning on the internet after the start seems to be ok. Iā€™m on Windows 10. Thanks to all of you who posted.

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Has anyone had success with the firewall settings needed to get the network key working? The PCs need access to a network key server in my domain, but I keep getting a ā€˜no key foundā€™ error when applying the firewall rule. I need Matrix to access the license server, but block external access. Iā€™ve tried several firewall configurations without success. Testing remotely is challenging because the USB key is on the license serverā€”it works on that PC but not on others.