Once my file has around 20 materials I run into the problem of Materials swapping or replacing each other through out my whole file. For example I have a good amount of material files used in my model. Then i go to add a new material (aluminum polished). the new material either wont apply to the object or replaces another material.
When i open the flamingo nxt materials browser and try to apply the “new aluminum polished” it thinks that material is something else like glass smooth. Even though that new material is now in the “Materials in Model” section. If i try to re-add the material it ask do i want to replace it i say yes. But instead it just makes a duplicate of the material it thinks it is in this case the glass smooth, but calls it "aluminum polished-00"
has anyone run into this issue its truly annoying and has been in the program since the release of flamingo nxt. is this being resolved?
I’m using Rhino 4 with Flamingo Nxt