Materials in V8

Just installed V8. Opening model from V7 that has materials. In V8, the materials are displayed at a different orientation than I had them in V7 and I cannot seem to find a way to rotate them back to my desired orientation. What am I missing?

Welcome to the trials and tribulations of v8. I’ve experienced the same issue and sorry I have no solutions, other than manually adjusting each errant texture mapping.

OK, but I cannot figure out how to move the material mapping in V8. The mappings seem locked and do not respond at all to any changes in the texture mapping panel settings.

Is it possible that the model (built with V7) expects the material files in a certain location (i.e., within the V7 installation tree), and when opening the model in V8 it cannot find these files, and/or it uses some stored version that cannot be altered? I’m at a complete loss where to go to fix this.

Delete the mapping and remap.

I have encountered a few situations where I had to copy the problem geometry, paste into a new v8 empty file and map it there. Copy/paste back in the original file. Not sure why, but that was my workaround.

there are mysteries everywhere you look. still better than boeing.

@Matt3 can you send me your _SystemInfo and a sample file from Rhino 7 that doesn’t work well for you in Rhino 8?

sysinfo.txt (4.9 KB) (18.9 MB)

Looks to be related to this issue Rhino 8 Bug: Polysurface Mapping Issue

I am baffled by 2 aspects here:

  1. Orientation and size of texture changes from V7 to V8. So, maybe that is a bug somewhere.
  2. But, on top of that, in V8, I cannot change the texture size or orientation; the texture seems to be “locked”. The “delete mapping” icon does not seem to do anything that I can see. I can change the material to another one, but that seems to be all.

hi @Matt3 This seems to be a Mac specific bug, I can repeat the bug also in our latest in house build, so I am afraid there not much to do right now. If you do want a workaround for the time being: it looks that WCS/OCS box mapping still works.

Edit: the bug seems to be a rendered display bug. The object still renders as expected
RH-80487 mapping broken in rendered display

Does this explain why I am unable to change the texture orientation or size in V8? The texture seems locked.

When I “render" the object using the render menu function, there is no material texture shown on the object in the output file. Is that the way it is supposed to work? I have rarely used the render processing feature, so am unfamiliar with what it does.

Yes, texture display in rendered mode seems to be broken on Mac, that is what the bug report is about. So whatever you change in the texture mapping settings, you will not see happening in the viewport.

No the texture should be correct in the size you set it (as it appears in Rhino 7)
This is what I am seeing when I render:

OK. I see the rendered texture now. Not sure why I did not see it earlier.