Material: Assign By 'Display Color'

Currently the Material gives you three options: Assign by Layer, Parent, or Object. Could we get a 4th option that is by ‘Display Color’? The reason is: I use a lot the Rendered view in the Perspective viewport, but most times I don’t want to have to go into the Material Editor and manually assign a new material (too much work to create/name/etc a new material for each object in my file). It would be nice to have my Display Color (which I set to custom usually) show up in the Rendered View. I use the Rendered view option because that way I can see some of the objects that I do want custom materials on, even though most of my objects I just want a quick and fast way to assign a basic color to.

Speaking of: When do people use ‘Assign by Parent’ option for Materials? I thought the Parent of an object was the object that another object’s history was tied to (like a curve creating a loft) - ? Do people use this option? I never have. Of course, having a real Parent/Child system in Rhino3d would be awesome (like hierarchical groups). Maybe I’ll start another thread about that.


Perhaps another option would be to use Shaded display and use SetObjectDisplayMode to Rendered for the special objects your mentioned.

Thanks John - I’ll give it a try!