Currently the Material gives you three options: Assign by Layer, Parent, or Object. Could we get a 4th option that is by ‘Display Color’? The reason is: I use a lot the Rendered view in the Perspective viewport, but most times I don’t want to have to go into the Material Editor and manually assign a new material (too much work to create/name/etc a new material for each object in my file). It would be nice to have my Display Color (which I set to custom usually) show up in the Rendered View. I use the Rendered view option because that way I can see some of the objects that I do want custom materials on, even though most of my objects I just want a quick and fast way to assign a basic color to.
Speaking of: When do people use ‘Assign by Parent’ option for Materials? I thought the Parent of an object was the object that another object’s history was tied to (like a curve creating a loft) - ? Do people use this option? I never have. Of course, having a real Parent/Child system in Rhino3d would be awesome (like hierarchical groups). Maybe I’ll start another thread about that.