Matching and orientating surfaces

I have some 2D planes which make up a cut card net… I need to ‘fold’ the surfaces in order to create the final shape after it’s glued.

The problem is it’s not a square shape and when I nearly have it closed some of the surfaces are out by a little bit.

Is there any way to have some form of linkage so I can tell Rhino to join edges and articulate others which will then pull the net into shape? I realise this isn’t an option with the vanilla install but I wondered if there were some plugins I might make use of?

Thanks in advance!

At a guess, this sounds like rigid origami. I’d suggest either relocating the gumball per surface for positioning or to use Kangaroo in Grasshopper to create a series of limits and relationships. Any screenshots or model will help to know if I’m totally off base here.

Hi Brian,

Yes, it’s exactly that… I realised that the guide I’d been given wasn’t quite square. I’ve redrawn it, I just need to fold it into a truncated cone but I can’t seem to work out how to do it.

I’ve tried using Grasshopper a couple of times but I couldn’t get my head around it to do anything of use, so i’m not sure about Kangaroo?

.Net.3dm (43.0 KB)

Rotate3d three times should do it.

I’d relocate the gumball origin to a mid snap and then align the first axis to a perpendicular smartTrack like this…

Could you guys please post a screenshot of the finished article, planar and joined together without any gaps?

The only way I’ve been able to do it is to fold along the centre line at 90 deg and then mirror the two parts which are at 90 deg and from the side view, rotate and snap back together.

It’s correct but it feels like a bit of a cheat, I’d like to be able to do it by orientating the parts relative to one another that isn’t chopping and cutting.

Thanks for your help though, I’ve simplified the part considerably, I’ll have to add in the detail now that I have to correct planes etc.

Maybe I don’t get it… but here’s a model where I used Rotate3d, using a long edge as the rotation axis, and rotation by 90 or minus 90 degrees.Net_Marc.3dm (226.4 KB)

That’s really strange… That’s what I did the first few times around but it kept overshooting the edge and folding in on itself??

That’s what I found too so I used Rotate3D a few more times to get the edges lined up. The corners of the panels are not all 90 degrees. Net_bjames.3dm (249.8 KB)

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