Match two different sized surfaces?

Im trying to match a bigger surface with a smaller one in the vertical sense, this means, trying to make the green surface asume mostly the same modifications the blue surface has, and trying to be as similar as possible to it, is this managable with any command? I’ve been using surface control points to model it but i bet there is a much simpler process
This is Rhino 7
thanks for any help

Hi Daniel -

Not really… you could I suppose, chop out the perimeter of the blue from the green, MatchSrf the blue to the edges of the resulting hole … I don’t know how that will look around the edges.
You could also get partway there by projecting the rectangle of green control points to the blue surface, then fine tune.

Nothing else remotely practical comes to mind… unless the blue surface is actually much bigger than the trimmed face, and has the same extents as the green - in that case you may be able to just UntrimBorder on the blue and replace the green.


Thanks for your reply, in the end i just matched it manually since the match surface command would just untrim the green surface, (becasue yes, previously it had a hole corresponding to the blue one)
So i just untrimed and leveled as similar as possible
Still, didnt know that ctrl Points could be projected, how nice
Thanks for the response,