scenario: i have edited a obj with cage edit now i want to apply the edit i have done to the first cage to the cage of another obj and match the cage to another cage so to speak.
i have found a blog post describing kinda the same scenario and also providing a solution in a form of a script. but the problem is the script has been deleted and the author doesn’t seems to answer to the request of reupload.
does anybody have this script or could point my to the right direction on how to achieve this?
p.s. i dont know coding but i know grasshopper
If you make the cage for both objects the same point count and degree, then what you can do is turn on the points for both cages, and move each of the respective points from the second (un-deformed) cage to their location on the first (deformed) cage. I’ve done this many times in the past and it works very well.
yes it works i have done what describing many times but its tedious and its not very accurate i was looking for a better solution because i do this a lot.
hello pascal
how do you do that?
Just copy an existing cage to some object you would like it to deform, then CageEdit
- select the copied cage as the control object.