Massive Ram usage Bongo,

Hi, i have a file here and have to render 400 frames, every frame (2 doors closing, quite a heavy file) adds about 1 gig of ram, im at frame 19 now and the animation is at 17gigs, i have 32, im pretty sure i wont even make 400 before running into trouble, the scene started with about 1gig of ram,…what can i do to avoid this,…

ps, i have a tight deadline tomorrow so all help is appreciated,…

What renderer are you using to render the animation?

Does the 1Gb of RAM increase happen when you just use the viewport as a render target?

Im using vray for rhino,
I will check that tomorrow, for now i have to let it render,…

Andy, I decided to check anyway and yes, it still happens in viewport render mode, starts at one gig and after 12 frames its at 8 and counting,…

Also when you cancel the render, it doesn’t release the ram, not even if I re-open the file, I have to close rhino and open the file again,…

Would it be possible for you to send me the file?

Are you using Bongo 1 or 2?

ill try removing some objects, I just don’t hope they are the cause of this, will check later,…where can I send it, will be around 200mb,…

Use this:

Mark it for me -

Make sure you zip it up!

When i removed the objects it didnt happen so i had to keep them, im uploading it now,…

OK - I’m not getting the problem here. I rendered it with viewport (set to Rendered) and RhinoRender. Neither cause the memory to grow.

So there are two options that I can think of. Either you have an old version of Bongo - make sure you are at the latest service release. Or you have a plug-in that is installed and causing a memory leak.

I would start by disabling VRay from the plug-in manager and trying to render the animation with the viewport display without VRay loaded. If that works fine, then the problem is VRay (even if it is not the renderer) and you will need to get an update from Chaos Group.

If it’s still leaking memory with VRay disabled, disable every other plug-in that doesn’t come from McNeel and try again.

Ok thanks, strange though.

Btw, when i choose the viewport render mode doesnt it automatically skip vray so that the problem wouldnt be vray related?

Im using the Bongo demo, downloaded a few days ago so i take it thats the latest right?

It also happens when im just working on the file and moving through the animation,…

It can still be VRay. You need to actually disable the plug-ins to be sure.

Can you tell me the date of Bongo - from the Bongo menu “About Bongo…”

I just used the same (latest release) version of Bongo as you and I’m not seeing any memory issues. I have to assume that a 3rd party plug-in is causing the issue.

Thanks alot for your help Andy, its not vray, nor bongo, its vsr, when i disable that its gone, if you have it, try it,…

now i can remove the extra 300gigs of virtual memory lol,…

Great news that you found it! Have a great weekend!

Thanks again, you too,…

Andy, btw, do you think i should contact vsr about this?..

You can try, but VSR are Autodesk now.

ill just try it here, @Michael i hope you get this it could be a big problem for other users also using bongo,…

Hi Sabino,

sorry for the trouble! Which version of Bongo are you using (1 or 2)? Could you please provide the data and a step by step description? I’m not that familiar with Bongo. You can use wetransfer (public ftp) for the transfer. Email adress would be at autodesk dot com.
