Mapping Curve to Mesh

i´ve allready searched and looked for a solution but could´nt find any.

I have a plain surface and some curves, and i want to translate them to a triangular mesh where the curves (green) are part of the edges from the mesh. In the picture its only projected onto the mesh but not part of it.

I already tried searching for the closest point in the mesh and replacing them by the controlpoints from the polylines this results in an irregular mesh.

Is there a way to make it a (more) regular mesh without loosing the geoemtrical accuracy to the curves?

I also tried the “Features” Feature (:smiley:) from TriRemesh to preserve the curves but it doesnt work. I guess because they were´nt part of the mesh in the first place?

I also tried splitting the surface in subsurfaces like this:

Then generating the meshes from each surface and merge them afterwards, but there are holes/overlaps and missalignment afterwards.

it is not really clear what you want. The result is the curve or the mesh ?
To project a polyline on a triangular face is possible.
First extrude the polyline to make a ribbon, then use The Mesh Mesh intersection component.

If you want to have a mesh splitted but with coincident edges,
Mesh Iso Splitting could work.
Or Mesh Split if no bugs

Cut Mesh with Mesh From Nautilus Plugin

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Given a BrepFace (from Polyline Crvs) and some splitters (Polylines):

  1. Split the Face.
  2. Get the OuterLoops (Curves) and their pts (i.e. the Poly vertices).
  3. Use MeshMachine (and input the pts to “lock/fix”). (15.4 KB)

Obviously far more elaborated takes on that matter are possible (and rather required). For instance getting more Pts to fix (on a proportional to their avegage/min Length basis) etc etc. And/or mastermind more/other inputs to the MM solver.


Please upload the GH.


Sorry - What happened to the usual Lord flair/imagery/branding we’re accustomed to see in your definitions that are unmistakably yours? I don’t even want to download it nor learn from it this way. Are you feeling alright?


I tried looking into it briefly as well however I’m also unclear as to what you want given the screenshots you present.

What do you mean by “irregular mesh”? That the mesh doesn’t have symmetry? Or that you don’t like it?

I ask because your screenshot using tri-remesh shows the result with vertices dictated by your curves, which certainly achieves what your original questions seems to hint at?

Tri-Remesh seems pretty ‘regular’ to me (whatever that means) in that it looks symmetrical but it for sure isn’t:

QuadRemesh with symmetry + curve influence is symmetrical but the product doesn’t match your wish:

Can’t you just use/remesh one corner then mirror-transform-rotate it or whatever then join and weld and all that so it’s ‘regular’ as in symmetrical + using your splitting curves?

Please ignore my reply if you don’t intend to have symmetry, or if you just want to ignore it :>

Also ‘mapping’ curves to a mesh would be a different goal?

Well … I’m far and away from base (summer wave windsurfing). Meaning that the rev limiter is fixed to 500 rpm (at best).

BTW: There’s various ways to deal with this:

  1. Spread pts (on a per Face basis - as “evenly” you can) and then use a proper BPA

  2. Triangulate a Polyline (that’s quite tricky) where Poly is the Face OuterLoop (plus Inners if exist):

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First of all, thank you all for the fast response to my question.

I´ve seen great suggestions, some of them i can even use for later steps but they are not helping me with my problem. Anyways the blame for that goes on me not expressing myself clear, sorry for that.

I have a mesh which i project curves on (so far so good), then i want to remesh the whole thing with two goals:
Primary Objective: the mesh has faceedges which are identical to the projectet curve.
Secondary Objective: the mesh has evenly distributed all more or less the same size triangles.

As you can see the problem is in image 2 near the green curves (technically they are green edges of the mesh), or even worse in image 4.

They have to be more or less uniform because I am using the mesh for an FE analysis and the curves are supposed to be bearings.

I hope that helps and you all have a wonderful weekend!

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Thats the word im looking for coincident edges :smiley:
Thats what i want.

But i also want to remesh the whole thing so the faces in the new mesh are as evenly distributed and are more or less the same size.

Pls no bugs :cockroach:
It´s always the first thing i declare in my code, bool bugfree = true;
Why dont all devs do this? Am i on to something?

Try Plan B:

  1. Get closet Polylines/Curves and splitters.
  2. Do BrepFaces.
  3. Divide the Inner/Outer Loops according some user options:

  1. Get rnd Inner Face pts (as “even” as possible) and then get Del Meshes (and “restrict” MeshFaces to BrepFaces).

BTW: Same (as possible) size Faces means some sort of K2 job.



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