So, a bit of a retro-computing person. I have this c1987 Tandy Color Computer 3 in the other room. It’s so well taken care of that it even smells new, but where is the next one going to come from? Well there are emulators, but I thought it would be fun to brush up on my Grasshopper by making a case.
The problem is: with emulators, perhaps someday a new board, the case a moving target, so I am making much of the case in Grasshopper, a single-point drawing, so all the figures of merit, as they say are adjustable.
(The wood texture is not mine. It’s nice.)
This is the start I have so, far:
The case is drawn from a loft outline, capped, and made into a solid.
The recess were drawn from planes that were based from planar surfaces. I created a tool, and differenced the tool from the housing.
The a copy of the section was interferenced with the housing, the only time I have ever used interference to create anything. Then the chopped section was rescaled and submerged into the housing, before a union was done.
Then after finding all the edges, I created a list for filleting the edges of the recesses.
I 3D printed some radius gauges to measure and dial-in the case. Oddly, this is the only thing I downloaded that I didn’t remake. They just worked well.
There is a little rendering defect caused by a too coarse mesh and differing radii. This should be fixed now.