Rhino 9: SubD feature requests, if you get bored

Thank you for the post.

*Unfortunately, that does not allow the interactivity to do what I want. *

The problem with SubD is: You put an opening in you hull–the shape is lost.

The problem with NURBs is: Once you put an opening in it–you cannot re-proportion your hull. Want an longer hood, or need a wider door opening–oh well.

The car body is a streamline shape with several aerodynamic features, such as integrated downforce wedges that have gone through about twelve generations of OpenFoam testing, ( and several rounds of aesthetic changes since McNeel saw it. )

I want to model the interior to match the exterior, such as you may notice that your dashboard may match the line of your hood. That kind of thing. What I want to work on is unifying the exterior, interior, and door jambs–while preserving the scaling options of SubD. Also, I would rather not give up on Rhino’s ability to interactively.

[Elsewhere, I did an retro-computer case, generated with Grasshopper, with later added NURBs features. I rest of the features needed to be done by hand. It’s not a orthogonal building facade. So, I have two design stages, and if I want to spin a wider case, I need to rebuild half of it.
Making a CoCo 3 'ish Case - Largely in Grasshopper ]

I want NURBs intersection, so the addition of a hole does not cause a complete change of shape.
I want SubD smoothness and the ability to make slight reproportions–without going back though time to retrim everything.