Making a arc bend / follow a curved surface

I’m try to make à arc that can link two post (that part is pretty straight forward), but I also need that arc to follow a curved surface. I tried multiple ways: project my arc to my surface, tried to bend it also tried to start with a straight line. My arc always is on a weird angle. Is there any ways to fix that. I even tried to manually move the control pts so it looking straight from one of the side views, but then I lost my alignment with my curved surface.

Here’s some pictures to explain my issue

thanks for the help and sorry for my English. :wink:

Hi Vincent - please post a file with the objects you are working with.


There you go

exemple.3dm (215.7 KB)

Hi Vincent - what you have follows an offset of the surface - I am not sure what you want but the existing curves can be pulled (Pull command) onto the surface.



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