Bending an object to match a curve?

I’ve been trying to figure out how to use Bend and/or Flow to get something like the flat object shown here to match the curve of the surface below, or the curve of the arc from which it was constructed, kind of as if it’s being pressed into shape. Also, hopefully, so that there is no deformation - e.g. the edges that are currently vertical will remain perpendicular to the reference surface to which it’s formed.

Haven’t been successful so far… :slight_smile:
What command(s) should I be using?

form-shape.3dm (872.8 KB)

Hi Andrew - Flow should work here -

Flow from red to blue.


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Man I LOVE this software! - so cool.
but… lol… can’t quite figure out how it determines the positioning of the objects. Can someone provide some “rules” ?

Here are a few shots -in this one, on the left, the line used for the base curve is the same length as the target curve, and the base curve on the right is 50% of the length. Both base curves are horizontally centered with the curve below, but not on Y or Z.

This pic shows the same, but with the original shapes moved up for clarity. The bent shape on the right, obviously, isn’t centered. It does appear to wrap in a corresponding “50% way” to travel from start to the vertical center of the target curve, but for some reason starts below it.

And then it starts getting WILD (in a good way) when I move the original shape way up high :slight_smile: and seems to follow the curve at the offset distance of the original object:

Hi Andrew - mapping goes from the start (the end you pick) of the base curve to the start of the target curve. That is why, if Stretch=No the mapped object starts over to one side. If the curve lengths are the same, or Stretch=Yes, then the entire target curve will be used.


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