Macroeditor bug and wish

Typing some arbitrary into the mac macroeditor,
pressing command / apple A,
some more text, pressing command / apple Z (undo),
some more text
using the cross to clear the content of the editor…

doing this a few times the undo-recording is broken.

see screencapture.

mac os 10.15.7, Rhino Version 7 (7.11.21271.01002, 2021-09-28)

I have a small wish for the macro-editor:
it would be really cool to save input from the editor and name it.

and have a small flyout / list / or whatever where i could choose the last 20 macros…
export all “Named Macros”
it also could be something like a toolbar integrated into the macro-editor.
(for Rhino 8: it would be great if those macros could be either belong to preferences or to the documents … this would be great to integrate macros in a templates…)

kind regards - tom

Dear mcneel

or someone else from mcneel.

this bug still exists.
it even got worth.
with the workflow shown in the video above rhino crashes.

systeminfo_tomp_24-07-03.txt (4.9 KB)

sorry to say - it is a great pity if topics like this do not get any attention.

please see also that it is (again) not possilbe to repeat commands started with the macro editor:

kind regards -tom

Yes, I see this.

As for the other, I am not sure if I am unable to repeat or just too slow to follow directions.

– Dale

the following sequence one a small object mm template produces a repeatable crash ( I send crash reports linking to this topic)

(restart computer, restart rhino)

  • In top view draw 4 or more circles (centerpoint / size does not matter)
  • optional
    • undo all circles
    • redo all circles
  • _macroeditor write some random text (“one”, “two”…, “five” / words (or valid rhino commands)
    • “one” … press the red cross to delete
    • “two” … press the red cross to delete
    • … “five” delete
  • draw a random _polyline
  • undo the polyline
  • undo → crash

current Service release candidate on a intel macbook pro, mac os x 13.6.7 (22G720)
systeminfo_tomp_24-07-04.txt (5.0 KB)

can you repeat ?

kind regards - tom

thanks @Tom_P I could repeat that
RH-82885 Undo issue and crash with Macro Editor

great, congratulation. :imp: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
strange crash … isn t it ?

thanks for having a look at it.