Macro access to change viewport background color

I use macros such as the one below to quickly change the viewport background color, but the options to do so are missing in the WIP. Is there an alternative way to do this? If not, please return them.

_-Options _Appearance _Colors _Viewport _Background=0,0,0 _EnterEnd

V7 command history:

Command: _-Options
Choose Rhino option ( View  Appearance  Files  General  Mouse  Aliases  ModelingAids  SelectionMenu  Advanced  PlugIns  Licenses  RhinoScript  IdleProcessor  Libraries  Alerter  Toolbars  UpdatesAndStatistics  3DconnexionSpaceMouse™ ): _Appearance
Choose appearance option ( CommandPrompt  DirectionArrow  Visibility  EchoPrompts=Yes  AutocompleteCommands=Yes  FuzzyAutocomplete=Yes  Colors ): _Colors
Choose color option ( Viewport  Object  Interface  CurvatureGraph  Layout  General  Widgets ): _Viewport
Viewport colors ( Background=0,0,0  MajorGridLine=129,134,140  MinorGridLine=147,153,160  Xaxis=150,75,75  Yaxis=75,150,75  Zaxis=75,75,150  WorldAxesIconX=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconY=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconZ=96,96,96 ): _Background=0,0,0
Viewport colors ( Background=0,0,0  MajorGridLine=129,134,140  MinorGridLine=147,153,160  Xaxis=150,75,75  Yaxis=75,150,75  Zaxis=75,75,150  WorldAxesIconX=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconY=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconZ=96,96,96 ): _EnterEnd
Viewport colors ( Background=0,0,0  MajorGridLine=129,134,140  MinorGridLine=147,153,160  Xaxis=150,75,75  Yaxis=75,150,75  Zaxis=75,75,150  WorldAxesIconX=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconY=96,96,96  WorldAxesIconZ=96,96,96 )
Choose color option ( Viewport  Object  Interface  CurvatureGraph  Layout  General  Widgets )
Choose Rhino option ( View  Appearance  Files  General  Mouse  Aliases  ModelingAids  SelectionMenu  Advanced  PlugIns  Licenses  RhinoScript  IdleProcessor  Libraries  Alerter  Toolbars  UpdatesAndStatistics  3DconnexionSpaceMouse™ )

8.0.23039.8305, 2023-02-08 command history:

Command: _-Options
Choose Rhino option ( View  Files  General  Mouse  Aliases  ModelingAids  SelectionMenu  Keyboard  Appearance  Advanced  PlugIns  Licenses  Alerter  RhinoScript  IdleProcessor  Libraries  UpdatesAndStatistics  3DconnexionSpaceMouse™  Constraints ): _Appearance
Choose appearance option ( CommandPrompt  DirectionArrow  Visibility  EchoPrompts=Yes  AutocompleteCommands=Yes  FuzzyAutocomplete=Yes  Colors  Toolbars  Containers ): _Colors
Scheme Type <Light> ( Dark  Light  Default  Custom ): _Viewport
Unknown command: _Viewport

Hi Steven -

I don’t know what can be done here…
I’ve put it on the list as RH-72993 UI Cleanup: Macro access to UI colors is gone

I was just searching for the macro to quickly change my background black and came upon this thread. I think I found the fix if it is still a problem for you. In Rhino 8 there is one additional step in the command line prompts when it asks for Scheme Type you have to tell it to use _Custom.

_-Options _Appearance _Colors _Custom _Viewport _Background=0,0,0 _EnterEnd
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