Looking to create cutting lines across mesh

Attempting to create lines across a mesh piece, not sure how to approach. References have been attached below - Would be really grateful for any help/directions. Thanks!

Bottle tree twist.3dm (289.9 KB)

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use quadremesh and subd

Bottle tree twist_emod.3dm (4.4 MB)

I noticed I’m getting some odd deviations however. There must be a better more accurate way to do this. Maybe shrinkwrap…

I tried triangulating the mesh first before quadremesh, but the results seem the same. Also tried increasing quad count by 500, but that also didn’t seem to improve anything.

Again with 3000 quads, and no improvement.

Looks like the source is .obj … not sure if that has anything to do with it.

crashed shrinkwrap, so trying quadremesh again this time without subd conversion, while using 100k quads lol

maybe a million quads will do the trick lol

2M quads, and still deviations :sob:

tried shrinkwrap again, but crashed

Thanks for the help - I’ve used the Quadremesh tool to form the lines i want over the original mesh. However, I want to use these lines to create indentations across the form. How would I approach this without having to manually trace the lines on my own?

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Sounds like you might need to use Grasshopper. But I’m pretty sure you can extract the lines if you wanted to use a manual approach. I’m not sure how you’d want to do the ‘indention’ part.

What tool would I have to use to extract the lines?

There’s various options like extract wireframe, depending on the geometrical format.

If you incorporate the mesh data then the lines or curves will become degree 1 most likely – if you pull the curves to the mesh per say.

also extract isocurve for example.

There’s also a script somewhere or something that lets the user select one particular U or V direction to extract, but I haven’t used that trick for a while. I usually just extract the whole wireframe and play with that data to do surface networks or something. And if I want a particular direction I just isolate it manually with selection techniques.

If you get a nice isocurve flow you like, you might prefer selecting them one at a time with the extract isocurve command and just pick the locations you like best – that is if you don’t need high density or what not.

Alot of times I will use various workflows like this to adjust the flow of isocurves. Sometimes I prefer re-networking surfaces where I mostly use one U or V direction along with the boundary curves to create a new surface where the other U or V direction gets re-created and will flow better to correlate with the particular alternate direction used. This is because sometimes the U or V isos can end up scrunched up a bit, and I might technically do this is two steps where I do each direction one at a time to get them both to flow better in the end while maintaining surface deviation control.