Looking for help. Sphere with flat opening seamless

I want to draw a sphere in which a rectangular flat opening with rounded edges merges seamlessly into the surface of the sphere. Is there someone who helps out? I don’t want the help for free.

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I think best would be that someone does it for me. I began already and I hope that this drawing makes clear how I want it to be but I actually have no idea how to modify my file.
Kugel-012.3dm (3.5 MB)
Kugel-012.pdf (261.9 KB)

Like this maybe?

Kugel-012-v1.3dm (2.6 MB)


Thank you. This is in the right direction. Seen from side I want the middle part to extend to the circle boundary like in the picture. How do I do that?
Kugel-012-v1.pdf (270.5 KB)

I’m sorry, but either I am not understanding your requirement or you are asking the impossible…

Please could you describe what you mean by “the middle part”? Is “the middle part” not the part of the sphere cut away by the flat opening? It can’t be cut away and extend to the spherical surface at the same time…

Instead of posting a *.pdf attachment which needs to be downloaded to view, you could make the life of the person who might help you a little easier by posting a screenshot. You can copy / paste a screenshot into a post.

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Is this closer to what you want?
Kugelx.3dm (237.8 KB)

I had the wrong idea and made a mistake. Jim’s post goes in the direction I actually wanted. The two side “cheeks” should also be curved forwards. I am attaching a screenshot.


Thank you, yes. I need to modify my sectional curves I think.

More like this?

Kugel-012 004.3dm (571.3 KB)