It works for all of the items with one value assigned to them and I’m wondering if I’m using improper syntax or if this is just a limitation of the value list itself. So far I have tried:
{{},{},{}} This created a plane and returned a point and a vector to the panel
I (potentially) love the idea of being able to have multiple values nested in the value list component as in some cases like this, it could save on graph space, however I don’t know if this is possible.
Perhaps someone will gladly correct me but I think your limited to one value per line in the value list.
Alternate options are that you use the value list to assign indices and then filter or select a branch or index based on that value list selection.
Method A (Stream Filter), Method B (Data Tree Branch Selection):
I realize this isn’t exactly what you are looking for but if your values are fixed you may as well wrap it inside a cluster and that will give you a condensed component.