Line Weights


When I try printing my layout page, the line weights get extremely bulky. I’ve tried changing various settings, and no luck. They come out very thick even when I set the line weight to hairline! The annotations, meanwhile, come out very nicely.

I attached an image for reference.

A bit desperate. Please help!

Hi Feiga -

I can’t tell from that image is those are curves or surface edges and if you are printing to vector or raster pdf. If those are surface edges and raster output, changing the dpi will change the thickness of those curves.

Hi Wim,

Thank you for your response. I tried changing the dpi, and the lines got more blurred instead.

There is a rounded element in my model, and the seams along the curve are printing as well, and become very heavy.

How can I decrease the line thickness for the entire model and specifically on the curve?

Please find my model attached:
3D Model - Nov 11.3dm (19.6 MB)

Thank you!

Hi Feiga -

Having a ground block that is 15 km wide around an object like this, will lead to display issues.
When I turn that off and print to both 150 dpi and 600 dpi, both are better than your initial screenshot here. The 600 dpi version is sharper but the clipping section is quite a bit lighter than the edges.

3D Model - Nov 11 - 600dpi-NoGroundPlane.pdf (3.7 MB)

3D Model - Nov 11 - 150dpi-NoGroundPlane.pdf (447.3 KB)



Wim, your help is very appreciated!