Rhino has a fine toolbar system.
A button with a triangle leads to more commands.
We have to click and hold a triangle button to come to the underlying toolbar.
Or click the tiny rectangle.
It could be more comfy and accessible.
Sometimes I (have to) use Xara, which also has the triangle system.
I only need to hover the mouse over such a button, and the toolbar pops out automatically.
A very good system I would like to see in Rhino as well…
The auto-pop doesn’t harm, the top button is still clickable.
Hi Charles - this seems plausible to me except for one thing, which is that the cascading toolbar in Xara replaces the tooltip and I think that tooltip is valuable, maybe indispensable, in Rhino. I’m not sure how to get both.
Xara could easily show a tooltip for the triangle button, but it doesn’t.
When a toolbar is popped out, and you move over the triangle button, you can see that it is detected.
A tooltip would be easily possible.
Also the ‘move MRU to top’ is only a source for confusion, no good.
And an adjustable delay before the auto-pop is not there.
I don’t want to focus on Xara.
My proposal is not to copy Xara, it was only easy to explain with this example.
I think this auto-pop would make it much easier to find commands.
And less clicks are always welcome.
Hi Jarek - Yeah - that would be the ideal but I am thinking/guessing that the Windows mechanism may not allow two different things to pop out - probably we’d need to figure out a way to combine them - but I don’t know and I’ll let the typists sort that out. https://mcneel.myjetbrains.com/youtrack/issue/RH-48866
Of course it doesn’t show a tooltip when you hover over the triangle.
Why would you need a tooltip to tell you what happens if you click on the triangle when they have already eliminated the need to click on the triangle?
Effective tool-tips would be helpful, as would command options appearing next to the cursor position, mimicing the operability of the ones also showing at the command line.
No it wouldn’t. Tooltips should stay up just long enough for an attentive viewer to acquire it, read it and process it. In other words about 5 seconds at most, but generally proportional to the number of words.
A customizable timeout could be a useful option for the faster or slower readers.
+1 for the rollout on hover.
just put the tooltip above the button instead of below.
the question is how do you dismiss the menu? does it close immediately when you move the mouse away? sometimes that can get annoying