Toolbar buttons require an extra click

When holding the left mouse button over a triangle button, the toolbar pops out.

While the mouse button is pressed, we can go to the wanted button and then release the mouse.
Command starts.

We need to release the mouse button first and then click the wanted button.

The extra click is not nice.


Thanks, I see this.
I logged RH-73900 Extra click needed to acces a command in a flyout toolbar

Release target 9.0?
Must be a joke…

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Please this is a small detail but a big step back in UX.

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According to the youtrack item, this is currently not possible… Looks like another of those annoyances due to the cross-platform integration requiring re-writing of all the Windows-specific display code in ETO.

Hi McNeel team,

Can you guys seriously consider releasing a ‘V8 Classic’ version for advanced users in Windows, where we stick to the current workspace and toolbars instead of all the regressions with the new ETO stuff?

The more I read about how many things are not working anymore the more I don’t even what to think about using V8.

I understand a migration like this is hard, but I rather have you guys deal with those pains internally (and with Mac users). I don’t want a downgrade to a less capable software from what we already have now in V7.


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That is not a SMALL detail.

I agree, my custom workspace is largely based on flyouts that work a little like menu items. If I cannot LMB mousedown to the item and then release to execute, I guess I will be staying with V7…

There may be a way to program around that in the future.

The future is now…

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Hehe, I completely misunderstood…
I thought it’s implemented now and wondered why it’s not working for me.
Too early in the morning.

Now the future is there (in 8.5).
Works well!

How did you get 8.5?