Layout Vector PDF - Not Showing Section Style?

It took me a while to figure out I had to print PDF as Raster instead of Vector in order to have section style to show up in PDF.

The other day, I was thinking Rhino is actually much better 2d drawing tool than AutoCAD. I didn’t know I can’t have section hatches in Vector. Architectural PDF drawing in Raster is quite useless compared to Vector PDF.

I really hope that I’m wrong, and I’m missing something here. Is it not possible to have Vector PDF with Section Styles?

Do you have a sample 3dm that exhibits this behavior that we can see? I know for vector output of technical display modes, there is an outstanding bug in this area that we are working on, but in general the section hatches should print just fine in vector output.

It turns out the section style doesn’t show up in vector printing if the layout detail view is Monochrome which I was using get the ambient occlusion effect. Is this a bug?

The section style shows up in other display modes such as wireframe or rendered. I many need another posting “Vector Printing Not Possible with Textures”.

Even though it’s set to Vector printing, the lines are very fuzzy with Rendered Display which I used for floor textures.

Lines are actual vector if it’s Wireframe Display, then it won’t show floor textures.

Monochrome is a variation of our technical display mode. That is the same bug I referenced above. Note: you will not get the ambient occlusion effect with vector output; that is a raster only feature.

Is this also a bug you are already working on?

Not that I know of, though it is hard to tell from a picture. Can you share a 3dm that produces fuzzy images?

Attached are a 3dm file and two PDFs, both are printed as vector with rendered and wireframe.

If you zoom all the way in vector rendered.pdf, you can see that the lines are gets a little fuzzy. It’s not actual vector lines (it’s like a photoshop line vs. vector illustrator lines)

Also, are you saying that you don’t see any difference in the screenshot shared above? The door symbol on the upper side is from vector rendered.pdf and the door symbol on the bottom is from vector wireframe.pdf. You can clear see the difference one is fuzzy and one is sharp zoomed in.

vector wireframe.pdf (19.7 KB)
vector Rendered.pdf (3.1 MB)
section vector raster.3dm (3.4 MB)

Thanks, I can see a difference in the screenshot above. I can’t tell from the screenshot alone what is happening though.

@stevebaer - I’ve also had problems with section styles/hatches not printing with vector output. Wim provided some help on another Pen mode issue I was having, for which the solution was Vector output (which removed the section styles). Is this similar to the issue/YT that Wim noted here?

It is the same issue.

Pen and Monochrome are both based on the technical display mode. Rhino 8 added support for vector output of technical display modes, but there are still some areas that need work.

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Hi -

When your details on a layout are in wireframe, and you are printing to vector output, the result will be vector curves in the details.

In Rhino 8, when your details are in a technical display mode, and you are printing to vector output, the result will also be vector curves in the details. This was not the case in previous versions of Rhino.

When your details are in any shaded display mode (including Rendering), and you are printing to vector, any curves that are on the layout will be vector but the contents of the details will be raster.

In this case, to get sharper curves, you will need to increase the DPI value in the print dialog.

Detail in the Rendered display mode and printed to 75 dpi:

section vector raster - rendered - 75 dpi.pdf (54.4 KB)

Detail in the Rendered display mode and printed to 1200 dpi:

section vector raster - rendered - 1200 dpi.pdf (5.7 MB)


Increasing dpi to an absurd level shouldn’t be a solution. It wouldn’t be practical to print when it’s more than several pages.

The vector print with wireframe is real vector lines, no matter how much zoomed, it stays sharp. Also, it’s only 19.8kb. (the bottom on screenshot)

The vector print with rendered is not vector as it gets fuzzy zoomed in. It’s already printed at 300 dpi, but it gets fuzzy zoomed in. It’s already at 3.1 mb. You printed at 1200 dpi, and one page is now 5.7 mb.

Hi -

That is correct, yes. As I said, printing a viewport that is in any shaded display mode will result in raster output. As with any raster image, the more pixels you have, the more details you will be able to see, and the bigger the file will get.

If you don’t need shaded features in the output, putting the viewport in Wireframe or any technical display mode will result in vector output and smaller files.

What I was getting at is that,
is it not possible to keep lines as true vector and have textures/images show up like ACAD?

Hi -

That is not possible in Rhino, no.

You can use picture objects and those will print in vector output mode. Try the Picture command to place an image in the model.

I have been testing the new technical display modes and I am seeing this loss of hatches in the vector prints.
00_000 TEMPLATE RHINO 8 hatch issue.3dm (1.3 MB)
00_000 TEMPLATE RHINO 8 hatch issue.pdf (243.8 KB)

Wait wait wait - is that ever going to be possible?

You can use the Picture command to place images in the model. These can be printed with vector output in parallel views.

Will there ever be a world in which a Rhino viewport that contains both shaded objects and vector objects will be printed as both raster and vector?

Print, choose vector output, and everything that happens to appear shaded in said viewport gets the raster treatment?