Layer not assigned during bake?

Hello. I’m recently using v5.x, and trying to recreate a bit of code from a few years ago: baking to layers “dynamically,” using Elefront’s valuable feature of using the Bake Name to revise the baked rhino geometry when new GH geometry is fed in. I think I figured out the setup with the revised component set, but no matter how I configure the Layer, Attributes, Attach Attributes, and Bake components, I can’t change which layer the geometry is getting baked to. It will only bake to the active layer in Rhino.

Here’s a stripped-down view of my code (with all the experimentation deleted out):

First I bake the set of new (sub-) layers, which works fine…but then I can’t figure out how to bake geometry into those layers.

Any thoughts welcome!

Hello Nick,
have you found any solution? I have the same problem, I can´t get attributed geometry with the new layers I created.

Hi all, You should pass the attributes directly into the “A” input on the Bake component (the second one), as before. Even if the geometry has attributes attached, once going into the Bake component, it only reads the geometry from the “G” input. This is so the component can distinguish between which attributes might happen to be there already (such as when using reference geometry), vs. the attributes you the user are deliberately applying.

Hope that helps!