I’m on the latest wip and viewport refresh is terrible, same for RHino to keeping up with me to show me that something has been selected or unselected (takes a few seconds). And the laptop fans are going on non-stop. Any ideas what’s going on?
Your report is the first I’ve heard of this. Is the display super slow when you rotate or pan? I’m asking because selection/deselection slowdown could be caused by other misbehaving factors than just the display code.
HI Steve, I restarted Windows and WIP and see it it goes away. I could not get passed restoring to 4-views (you can see the icon still_clicked on this screenshot). In this case I was doing a test with Snapshots. So maybe that’s the problem? FIle attached.
@gustojunk , if you have played with Raytaced viewport specific settings you need to disable that in Rhino Options > Raytraced settings. Uncheck the very first checkbox (allow viewport settings override). That should prevent crashes with those commands.