Could someone help me.
How can I set up the script in Kangaroo?
Maybe someone can send a short script, how can i solve this problem.
So that 2 door panels were folded as shown in the picture below.
One upper triangle constantly stays in place and the lower triangle moves vertically folding and unfolding door panels.
Can you please tell me, where can I find a good tutorials (structured material) on the basics of Kangaroo?
To walk the path (beginner, intermediate, advanced).
For now, I want to understand the basics of Kangaroos to apply them to kinematics of machinery.
I found only these materials (links below). But it’s not so easy to understand which component does what. Perhaps somewhere there is a repository of small scripts in the Grasshopper, where I can see how and what works, or a more extended description of the components with examples of their use?
I’ve been using Kangaroo for over a decade and I went through countless Grasshopper definitions. One thing that doesn’t make things any easier for beginners is that some of the goals have been updated or added and if the tutorial isn’t up to date, it might not be very helpful.
the movement is driven by an Anchor with inputs for both P and T. P is the starting position of the point and T is the target for where it goes. By rotating this target position using the slider, you control the motion.